Saturday, February 1, 2020

Self harm and suicide Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Self harm and suicide - Coursework Example One of the most common myths is that by asking a person on what their suicide thoughts are they are prompted to actually commit suicide. This myth can be handled through knowing the fact that when an individual is asked about their suicidal thoughts their sense of isolation is lowered and they feel cared for and that there is available help. Another common myth is that suicide and self-harm happen without warning. The nurses being aware that most individuals before committing suicide they are verbal about their distress and pain can handle this myth. In addition, the myth that suicide only happens to specific people is common. The nurses bearing in mind that anybody is capable of committing suicide can handle the myth. Finally, the myth that people who talk about suicide are just attention seekers is common. Nurses need to know that in most cases patients will try to communicate before they actually commit suicide (Krysinska,

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