Friday, February 14, 2020

Explain why the historical cost principle is used to account for Essay

Explain why the historical cost principle is used to account for long-lived assets and how the cost basis is determined. Discuss - Essay Example The GAAP mainly relies on consistency of data conveyed by business financial records. Since historical methods does not depend on the speculated market prices, rather a real transaction that occurred, the cost is regarded as most reliable. For this reason, the historical cost principle is best used for reporting long-lived assets. It is the best method for reporting assets whose disposal may not be done in the near future. Examples of these assets include land, buildings, fixture, equipment and natural resources such as mineral deposits, oil wells and timber tracks. Under the historical cost principle, assets are recorded at acquisition cost as indicated on the balance sheet. In accounting for purchases of long-term assets, interest expense is subtracted from the original cost or cost of acquisition. The book value of long-term assets can be calculated by getting the accumulated depreciation subtracted from acquisition cost. To estimate an asset’s useful life, important variab les such as acquisition cost, depreciation expense per year and salvage value should be determined. The following methods are used to estimate asset’s useful life; straight-line depreciation method, production method and double (declining) methods. Useful life can then be calculated as follows: Asset impairment Asset impairment refers to an abrupt deterioration in the usefulness of a long-term asset often caused by damage effects on the asset, obsolescence due to the ever-changing technology or a change in the county’s laws prohibiting the use of an asset. It occurs when the future benefit of an asset known as market value is below the recorded book value (cost-accumulated depreciation). When impairment occurs, the current market value of the asset should be written down and a loss recognized. First, long-lived assets are selected for purposes of performing impairment testing as well as establishing the net book value. Secondly, determine the level of impairment by fin ding the total undiscounted cash flows expected from the selected assets. The net book and the undiscounted cash flow figures are then compared with intent of establishing which of the values have higher figures. If the net book value is higher than the undiscounted cash flow value, then the amount of variance is determined and recorded. Common Asset Depreciation Methods Depreciation refers to two main concepts; i. Diminished value of assets also called fair value This principle or concept has an impact on the balance sheet of a firm or a business entity. ii. Depreciation with corresponding principle, which is the allocation of the asset cost to periods upon which that particular asset is in use. This affects the net gain of reported assets. It is worth noting that when computing depreciation using a particular method, the cost of an asset is allocated to that period the use of an asset covers or is used. The expense is vital for purposes of financial reporting and taxation. In choo sing a suitable method of computing depreciation, value of assets, the type and periods upon which the asset is used is important. These computing methods are specified in laws and statutes or accounting standards that vary from one country to another. It is important to note that some depreciation computing methods exists, but the common methods include; fixed percentage depreciation method, straight-line computing method and declining balance. It is also

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Self harm and suicide Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Self harm and suicide - Coursework Example One of the most common myths is that by asking a person on what their suicide thoughts are they are prompted to actually commit suicide. This myth can be handled through knowing the fact that when an individual is asked about their suicidal thoughts their sense of isolation is lowered and they feel cared for and that there is available help. Another common myth is that suicide and self-harm happen without warning. The nurses being aware that most individuals before committing suicide they are verbal about their distress and pain can handle this myth. In addition, the myth that suicide only happens to specific people is common. The nurses bearing in mind that anybody is capable of committing suicide can handle the myth. Finally, the myth that people who talk about suicide are just attention seekers is common. Nurses need to know that in most cases patients will try to communicate before they actually commit suicide (Krysinska,